Cody Gestro Coaching’s Charity Support Program

At Cody Gestro Coaching, we believe in the profound power of transformation. Our mission goes beyond guiding individuals to achieve their personal best; it encompasses a broader vision of uplifting communities and fostering change. Every Quarter, we dedicate 5% of every sale to a chosen charity, embracing the spirit of giving and creating ripples of hope and joy. Join us in this inspiring journey of making a difference, one step at a time.

How It Works

Each month, we select a different charity to support, ensuring a diverse range of causes receive our contributions. From mental health initiatives and youth empowerment to environmental sustainability and social justice, our goal is to touch lives and spark positive change. With every coaching session you book, you are not just investing in yourself but also contributing to a greater cause, helping us to weave a brighter future for all.

Empowering Change Through Coaching

At Cody Gestro Coaching, we see every challenge as an opportunity, and every victory as a shared success. Our Charity Support Program reflects this philosophy. By choosing our services, you become a vital part of our mission to give back. Together, we can inspire hope, provide support, and bring about meaningful change, transforming not only lives but entire communities.

Join Our Cause

We are always eager to partner with charities that resonate with our values and vision. If you represent a charitable organization and wish to be considered for our monthly donations, we warmly invite you to reach out to us. We are excited to hear your story and explore how we can support your noble cause.

How to Apply

To participate in Cody Gestro Coaching’s Charity Support Program, please send an email to with the following details:

We look forward to connecting with organizations dedicated to making a difference and to supporting diverse causes that reflect our shared commitment to change.

Thank You for Being a Catalyst for Change

At Cody Gestro Coaching, we are deeply grateful for your support. It empowers us to extend our reach and amplify our impact. Together, we can transform challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality. Thank you for joining us in turning every coaching session into a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change.

With heartfelt appreciation,

The Cody Gestro Coaching Team